Customer Score & NPS

Customer Score is an important module of the Corporate Performance Analysis System, which includes data-driven action plans.

It includes measuring the customer (channel) satisfaction and experience in the business, understanding the customer expectations, and identifying the improvement paths.

VALURA software collects customer feedback, analyzes them, converts the results into figures, and presents reports with enriched graphics on the VALURA dashboard. Action plans are created based on the conducted analyses.

The reports created by VALURA are presented to all decision-makers from the field team to the top management. You can automatically collect customer feedback through questionnaires sent via mobile-friendly e-mails. You can periodically monitor your performance.

You can engage with your customers through a refined set of questions that can be answered in just one minute and improve customer experience and loyalty through continuous learning.

VALURA Customer Score is more than a survey; it is an effective listening process.

With VALURA software, you can have a simple, flexible, and powerful platform to attract your customers.

VALURA Customer Score offers the following conveniences:

  • + Segmenting your customers in terms of loyalty, ,
  • + Identifying dissatisfied and risky customer groups,
  • + Comparing industry and competitor scores,
  • + Identifying factors that improve customer loyalty,
  • + Monitoring improvements in products, services, and the entire customer journey,
  • + Making data-driven business decisions using strong and prediction-based customer analytics,
  • + Monitoring developments considering customer experience and operational targets.

Get into the minds of your customers with C.V.M.S

Customer Score

Customer Score / NPS

VALURA INDEX is a scoring system that measures shareholders' performance in maximizing the company value, as well as their potential.

VALURA Index is a combination of the results of Financial Performance Analysis, InvestMeter, Corporate Governance Score , Customer Score and NPS, and HR Score.

The Customer Score and NPS reveals the loyalty of the customers, their motivation to be a reference to the business and their expectations from the business.

This chart shows the average, minimum, and maximum scores of all VALURA companies.