VALUE INDEX is a scoring system that measures shareholders' performance in maximizing the company value, as well as their potential.

This methodology merges 125 different performance indicators, including mainly financial, operational, investor attractiveness, human resources, and customer experience, into a single score and measures companies operating in different sectors and countries following these standards.

It covers the evaluation of all elements that will make the business successful, valuable, and attractive. The Score is calculated by the combination of InvestMeter Score, Corporate Governance Score, Financial Performance Score, HR Score, and the Customer Score.

With this study, the management, investors, and shareholders have the opportunity to evaluate the overall performance of the business using a single performance indicator, as well as benchmarking the business performance with their competitors and other companies operating in the same county.

A score above 70+ points should be considered successful. In case of any score below 70, the performance of the business should be improved by implementing the Action Plans as part of the Road Map.

The company should aim to get above 70 Points to create a business that is attractive to the investor, shareholder-independent, running on systems, and independent from any customer, supplier, or employee.


This chart shows the average, minimum, and maximum scores of all VALURA companies on a global scale.