Become an Investor


VALURA Investment Club (VIC) helps its members to invest in companies offering low risk, high growth potential worldwide.

Why should you join VIC?
VALURA, the leading advisory in company valuation and business analytics, extensively analyzes hundreds of companies out of thousands of candidates every year thanks to its collaborations with institutions like Chambers of Commerce and Businessmen Associations. It identifies a limited number of high potential enterprises and presents them to its member investors by clearly shaping the deal structure.

VIC does not invest in large-sized businesses with low growth potential as well as start-ups with high-risk. On the contrary, it invests in small and medium-sized “niche” businesses that can transform traditional sectors.

While VIC maximizes company value, it also plans it’s exit scenario. This creates the fundamental for company’s growth plans.

Important Note:VIC is not a commercial enterprise. It does not collect funds from any member under any circumstances.


  1. Business : The company is operational for over 4 years with a minimum turnover of $500.000 and generating positive operating profit.
  2. Growth Capital : The company should have the potential to growth 5 fold within 5 years and the investment must be used to fuel this growth.
  3. Corporate Governance : Transparency, fairness, accountability, and responsibility should be non-compromised principles of selected companies.
  4. Management Team : Shareholders and top executives must have the vision and motivation to expand the business to a global scale.
  5. Differentiation : The enterprise being a fast company should own a niche with high global potential.
  6. Shares : VIC members own a minimum of 20% and a maximum of 75% share in the company.
  7. Investment in a Single Enterprise : Varies between 300.000 USD up to 3.000.000 USD.
  8. Target Sectors and Companies : Any enterprises not in need of intensive fixed asset investments (CAPEX) as well as property, hotels, and pharmaceutical sectors.

VIC Contribution
VIC not only chooses high-potential enterprises and fuel with growth capital but reveals the potential of the invested company. It provides a global perspective with international growth experience. It applies financial engineering to create healthy cash flow with a reporting system. It maximizes operational efficiency, and provide Executive Board representation. Improves the talent management of businesses. VIC redesigns product, channel, customer mix. It sharpens its growth strategy and implements performance metrics. VIC also ensures that businesses are subject to periodical internal auditing.

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VALURA accepts and declares that it will not disclose the contact information to a third party without written permission.