The Firm
VALURA is the most comprehensive company valuation and analysis firm. Its focus is to maximize company value through a data-driven methodology.
We believe that data is the currency of the new world, and businesses cannot improve performance they do not measure.
In this regard, we make data meaningful and increase growth, profitability, and return on capital in measurable amounts.
Our Objective
VALURA, with its cloud-based system, helps businesses of all sizes harness the power of "information" to become more "valuable" and "fit" companies.
We believe that, when the time comes, every shareholder should be rewarded for their efforts.
Our vision is to enhance societal well-being by creating more valuable companies.
We strive
With our award-winning data analytics software and corporate performance analysis system, C.V.M.S., we enhance the value, performance, and investor appeal of medium-sized businesses worldwide.
Our motto is: Create the best product on a global scale, enjoy the process, continuously learn and grow, stay positive, and support a more eco-friendly, animal-loving world.

We have become a member of IACVS (The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists), the global umbrella organization for company valuation. With our membership in IACVS, which represents the highest working principles and quality standards in company valuation, we have validated our success.

As a member of the International Institute of Business Analysis, the most respected global umbrella organization in Business Analysis, we have certified our business analysis services in accordance with global standards (BABOK).

With this competence, it provides company valuation and analysis services to accredited investors and high-potential businesses.

In our consultancy projects, we enable our companies to benefit from EBRD support.

We take our environmental responsibility seriously. For this reason, we support Greenfleet's afforestation projects with an amount equivalent to our carbon emissions in order to offset our carbon footprint.

As part of the Global 100 awards, with participation from 163 countries, M&A Today named VALURA the Best Company Valuation Firm in Eastern Europe in 2019. We are on our way to becoming the most innovative company valuation firm globally!

Every day, 15,000 children around the world die due to lack of vaccination, access to clean water, and inadequate nutrition. UNICEF delivers various products such as vaccines against deadly diseases, tents, therapeutic ready-to-use foods, and water purification tablets to millions of children affected by humanitarian crises. We are proud to offer continuous support to UNICEF on behalf of our customers by purchasing Life-Giving Gifts, "Hope Packages."

We are committed to working on issues such as violence against women, equal opportunities, equal financial opportunities in the workplace, and educating girls. We work on a global scale for gender equality. We will encourage every company we serve to develop projects for equal opportunities for women. We proudly support this initiative of the United Nations.