KPI - Key Performance Indicators

You Cannot Improve Any Performance If You Do Not Measure!
All businesses in VALURA Program creates their own key performance indicators. This way any business will have the chance first to measure and then to improve its performance for each department. With VALURA KPI set;

Design your own performance dashboard.
Create customized reports in minutes. You can structure your own performance indicators or select from pre-defined VALURA KPI library to create your own set.

Start leveraging your data.
Regardless of the scale, each business generates millions of data. Selecting, storing and analyzing data among Big Data is critical for the success of any business. VALURA KPI module is based on the most refined data set to measure and improve your business performance. It is not too much nor too superficial but perfectly structured to your needs and time. This way, you will get the chance to grow your business based on analytical decisions.

Create visually rich reports.
Enriched performance sets with interactive graphs will help you to better analyze your team's performance. Both eye-catching and comparative but simple KPI set will guide your action plans.

Create a data culture.
Although everyone in an organization wants to succeed but they are struggling to benchmark their performance due to lack of clear success criteria and expectations. VALURA presents various performance indicators to the organization. When the business starts using data as a compass, team performance will soar.

Join the VALURA 11 Step Value Maximization Program now.